Dashboard 2.0 Probleme und Erfahrungen

Diskutiere Dashboard 2.0 Probleme und Erfahrungen im Xbox Live Forum im Bereich Xbox Online; Co-Pilot bedeutet, das 2 Controller sich wie einer verhalten. Für Leute mit Handicap, zb nur 1 Arm oder Hand, bedeutet dies das man mit ihnen...
Archie Medes

Archie Medes

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Archie Medes x
Was hat es mit diesem Copiloten auf sich?
Co-Pilot bedeutet, das 2 Controller sich wie einer verhalten. Für Leute mit Handicap, zb nur 1 Arm oder Hand, bedeutet dies das man mit ihnen zusammen ein Spiel spielt das sie alleine nicht schaffen würden da eben 1 Arm oder 1 Hand fehlt. zb.


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XI FreiWild IX
ich finde es grausam!

KP wer sich so etwas ausdenkt. Alleine das ich nun nicht mehr direkt sehe ob mein Game noch am Laufen ist oder nicht...

Wer es mag okay, aber es zu feiern halte ich für etwas übertrieben.


also das die live Ansicht fehlt ist absolut blöd da gebe ich dir recht du siehst halt nur ob was auf ist oder auf war anhand der Überschrift in dem Fenster wo vorher die live Ansicht war.


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The Gromb
Das Insiderprogramm ist ja quasi geschlossen - wie komme ich da den rein? Auf Einladung? [emoji6]

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk


ist es nicht mehr siehe hier ist halt englisch aber das solltest du da sowieso können sonst macht das nicht wirklich Sinn ;)

Welcome to the new year, Xbox Insiders! In 2016 we introduced the Xbox Insider Program and the new Xbox Insider Hub app, which allows anyone to participate in game and app betas and give us feedback on the latest Xbox One features. We also received a great deal of feedback about the system update preview on Xbox One. We heard from new Xbox Insiders who wanted to preview system updates, but were unable to join, and from veteran Xbox Insiders, who had concerns about the frequency of system updates, network data caps, and interruptions.

Well, we listened, and now that 2017 is upon us, we have some exciting announcements to share about previewing system updates on Xbox One.

First, beginning soon, all Xbox Insiders will be eligible to join the Xbox One Update Preview and check out the latest Xbox One features and fixes before the public! Second, we heard your feedback about receiving too many system updates. We’ve taken action by dividing the Xbox One Update Preview into four rings, allowing you to select the Preview ring which best fits your playstyle. We’re eager to make previewing system updates on Xbox One a better experience for all Xbox Insiders in 2017, and look forward to your feedback!

Here is a brief overview of the four Preview rings:

• Xbox One Update Preview Alpha – The first Preview ring, this group typically receives 2-3 new system updates per week during a Preview Update wave. Preview Alpha is the cutting edge, and users in this group receive access to new features and fixes as soon as possible at the expense of potential bugs.
• Xbox One Update Preview Beta – The second Preview ring, this group typically receives 1-2 new system updates per week during a Preview Update wave. Preview Beta users receive frequent system updates and early access to new features and fixes, with somewhat less risk of encountering bugs.
• Xbox One Update Preview Ring 3 – The third Preview ring, this group typically receives 2-3 new system updates per month during a Preview Update wave. Preview Ring 3 users receive infrequent system updates, and is suited for users who want early access to new features and fixes with less risk of encountering bugs.
• Xbox One Update Preview Ring 4 – The fourth and final Preview ring, this group typically receives new system updates about once per month. Preview Ring 4 users receive system updates which are almost ready for public release, and thus receive the fewest system updates and are least likely to encounter bugs. In some cases, Preview Ring 4 users may also receive updated versions of the current publicly released build incorporating new fixes.

NOTE: When a system update is nearing public release, it’s normal for all Preview rings to receive multiple updates per week.

The three advanced Preview rings (Xbox One Update Preview Alpha, Xbox One Update Preview Beta, and Xbox One Update Preview Ring 3) have limited capacity, and access is restricted to the most active Xbox Insiders. Xbox Insiders earn the right to participate in the respective Preview rings based on their activity, which is judged by Xbox Insider XP, forum activity, and overall console usage.

To move up and get access to earlier Xbox One Update Preview builds:
• Complete Quests, Surveys, Quick Polls, and Ratings in the Xbox Insider Hub.
• Participate in any game and app betas available to you via the Xbox Insider Hub.
• Provide feedback on the official Xbox One Preview forums.
• Report bugs via Report a problem.
• Use your Xbox One console regularly.

Thank you so much for your suggestions, feedback, and passion. Please continue telling us what you love, what you like, and what could be improved, and we’ll ensure Xbox One and the Xbox Insider Program keep getting better in 2017!

Xbox One Update Preview FAQ:

When will this change to the Xbox One Update Preview happen?
Over the next several weeks, we’ll gradually populate the Preview rings individually, beginning with Preview Alpha. If you’re already participating in the Xbox One Update Preview, you’ll be notified via system message when your console has been moved to one of the new Preview rings. If you’re new to the Xbox One Update Preview, the option to enroll your console in a Preview ring will become available after Preview Alpha, Preview Beta, and Preview Ring 3 have been fully populated.

How can I become an Xbox Insider?
Just navigate to the Store on your Xbox One, then search for and download the Xbox Insider Hub. You can find more information about the Xbox Insider Program on the Xbox Support website.

How can I join the Xbox One Update Preview, or move my console to a different Preview ring?
1. Launch the Xbox Insider Hub on your Xbox One console.
2. On the main landing page, select Insider content.
3. Under System, select Xbox One Update Preview.
4. Select Join or Manage.
5. Choose a Preview ring from the available selections.

I’m already participating in the Xbox One Update Preview, do I need to do anything?
When your console is moved to one of the new Preview rings, you’ll be notified via system message, at which point you can opt-out of participating in that specific Preview ring, or remove your console from the Xbox One Update Preview completely.

How can I get in to Preview Alpha, Preview Beta or Preview Ring 3?
Throughout the year, we’ll review Xbox Insider Program activity and invite the most active Xbox Insiders to join one of the advanced Preview rings (Preview Alpha, Preview Beta, and Preview Ring 3). When invited, you’ll be notified via system message, and the option to enroll your console in that Preview ring will appear in the Xbox Insider Hub. It’s entirely up to you whether to enroll your console after being invited.

It seems like Preview Alpha, Preview Beta, and Preview Ring 3 are different from Preview Ring 4, is that correct?
Yes. Preview Alpha, Preview Beta, and Preview Ring 3 are sometimes referred to as advanced Preview rings because they and are used to validate and test new features and fixes during a Preview Update wave. Preview Ring 4 receives system updates once they are almost ready for public release and largely free of bugs. Preview Ring 4 system updates will often be the same updates previewed by the advanced Preview rings, but may also be new versions of the current publicly released build incorporating new fixes.

How can I tell which Preview ring my console is enrolled in?
1. Launch the Xbox Insider Hub on your Xbox One console.
2. On the main landing page, select Insider content.
3. Under System, select Xbox One Update Preview.
4. Select Manage, and the Preview ring your console is currently enrolled in will be selected.

I requested to join a different Preview ring, but my console hasn’t been moved yet?
It can take up to 72 hours to process console movements to different Preview rings.

I moved my console to a different Preview ring, and now it’s doing the Xbox One initial set-up?
This is normal behavior. When a console on a more recent system update is moved to an older system update (ie. if moving from Preview Alpha to Preview Ring 4), it will perform a console refresh. You will need to go through the Xbox One initial set-up again (selecting language, connecting to network, adding profile, etc.), however, once you have completed the initial set-up, all content (including installed games and apps) will appear as normal.

The Preview ring I want to move to doesn’t show up as an option?
Each Preview ring (with the exception of Preview Ring 4) has limited capacity, and it’s normal that some Preview rings won’t appear as options. You can gain access to the advanced Preview rings by being active in the Xbox Insider Program, however, Preview Alpha, Preview Beta, and Preview Ring 3 may still not appear as options because they have reached maximum capacity. In addition, you will only be invited to one advanced Preview ring at a time.

If I move my console from Preview Alpha, Preview Beta, or Preview Ring 3 to Preview Ring 4, can I move it back later?
Yes and No. The option to move back to Preview Alpha, Preview Beta, or Preview Ring 3 may not immediately be available after moving to Preview Ring 4. However, being active in the Xbox Insider Program will give you the option to move back to one of the advanced Preview rings at a later time.

If my activity drops, can I be removed from a Preview ring?
Yes. If your activity in the Xbox Insider Program drops significantly, we may remove your console from a Preview ring. The one exception here is Preview Ring 4; if your console is enrolled in Preview Ring 4, it will never be removed. If your console is removed from a Preview ring due to inactivity, it will be moved to Preview Ring 4. Given the capacity limits of Preview Alpha, Preview Beta, and Preview Ring 3, removing inactive users allows us to invite more active users.


Dabei seit
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Xbox Gamertag
Ist offen für alle.. Einfach den xbox insider hub vom store installieren und dann etwas durchwurschteln


Allerdings muss man jetzt wirklich mitarbeiten um da wirklich was früher zu erhalten was auch richtig so ist das war und ist ja eigentlich Sinn dieses Programms
Zuletzt bearbeitet:


Dabei seit
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Xbox Gamertag
XI FreiWild IX
Was noch viel schlimmer ist, irgend was ist mit dem Sound, ich höre bei R6 einfach gar nichts mehr. Gegner steht direkt hinter mir und bewegt sich, höre nix mehr. Vorher habe ich alles gehört


Dabei seit
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War die letzten monate net mehr aktiv.
Dachte ich habe das update xD

Hab deswegen auch die nachricht.
Habe die umfragen usw vor dem neuen os schon gemacht gehabt.

Dank for honor zocke ich wieder auf der konsole.


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Schon komisch. Jedes Mal wenn man wieder auf einen Speedport wechselt spinnt nur die Xbox und sonst kein anderes Gerät? Soll man jetzt immer gezwungen sein einen teuren 3. Hersteller Router zu nehmen nur weil MS meint mit ihrem dämlichen Teredo Mist hantieren zu müssen?
War 1 Monat nicht an der Konsole und bekomme trotz reset kein Update. Das Ding versucht nicht einmal alternativ auf IPv4 zuzugreifen.
Zu Release musste ich auf einen Devolo extender wechseln weil die Xbox nie Connecten konnte ohne ständig DCs einzufahren.
Komisch, PS4, ps3, Wii U, iPad, iPhone und Android Geräte laufen alle.

Liegt sicher an den Ports die ohnehin freigeschaltet sind.


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Habe auch monate nicht gezockt und mein nat hat sich auch auf mittel geändert trotz exposed host usw
Neustart usw.

Ich muss nochmals manuell die ports einfügen.das speedport hybrid kann aber auch schuld sein.
Lieber only fritzbox statt so ne grütze.

Aber bei jedem update habe ich nat änderungen denke die machen da ständig was.


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Fritzbox ändert das genauso über Nacht
War auch 2 Monate auf offen und nun auf mittel

Gesendet von meinem SM-G925F mit Tapatalk


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Dein Teddybaer
Mir ist aufgefallen, dass meine Fritzbox der Xbox manchmal einfach eine neue IP vergibt, obwohl sie das nach meinen Einstellungen nicht machen soll.


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The Gromb
Danke Euch! Hat geklappt [emoji41][emoji106]

Gesendet von iPhone mit Tapatalk


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Xbox Gamertag
Muss man einfach denn App XBOX Insiders im Store downloaden damit ich den Dashboard-Update durchführen kann? Sorry hab was verpasst.


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Xbox Gamertag
Dein Teddybaer
Muss man einfach denn App XBOX Insiders im Store downloaden damit ich den Dashboard-Update durchführen kann? Sorry hab was verpasst.
Ab heute kann man sich über die App für die Alpha Gruppe registrieren.


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Xbox Gamertag
Registrieren und dann heisst es..Warten?


naja um es mal so zu sagen wenn du nicht schon beta tester warst und nur noch nicht in der alpha groupe bist okay. wenn nicht sofern das*überhaupt anwählbar ist sind die Chancen gleich null in den alpha ring*zu kommen.*


Dabei seit
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Xbox Gamertag
Na toll, wann dürfen die 'anderen' Update machen
In kürze oder wird es noch dauern?

Dashboard 2.0 Probleme und Erfahrungen

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