The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild [Test/Wertungen/Reviews]

Diskutiere The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild [Test/Wertungen/Reviews] im Nintendo Forum Forum im Bereich Andere Systeme; IGN 100% GameInformer 100% GameSpot 100% GiantBomb 100% Press Start 100% GamesRadar 100% Wccftech 98% GameCentral for Metro 100%...
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IGN 100%
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a masterclass in open-world design and a watershed game that reinvents a 30-year-old franchise. It presents a wonderful sandbox full of mystery, dangling dozens upon dozens of tantalizing things in front of you that just beg to be explored. I’ve had so many adventures in Breath of the Wild, and each one has a unique story behind what led me to them, making them stories on top of stories. And even after I’ve spent more than 50 hours searching the far reaches of Hyrule, I still manage to come across things I haven’t seen before. I’ll easily spend 50 to 100 more trying to track down its fascinating moments.
GameInformer 100%
Breath of the Wild is an achievement in the design of a living world. Hyrule is massive, with multiple environmental systems layered on top of a grand adventure. The only technical issue I encountered was one related to the framerate when fighting multiple enemies in busy forests. Despite the massive scope of the game, Breath of the Wild retains Nintendo’s knack for polish without any major technical hiccups to disrupt the experience. I was entranced by this version of Hyrule, and it surprised me at nearly every turn, from its wealth of discoveries to the way it shuns the established tropes of previous Zelda games. It represents a profound new direction for one of gaming’s best franchises and a new high point for open-world interactive experiences.
GameSpot 100%
No matter how gorgeous its environments are, how clever its enemies are, and how tricky its puzzles get, the fact that Breath of the Wild continues to surprise you with newfound rules and possibilities after dozens of hours is by far its most valuable quality. It's a game that allows you to feel gradually more and more empowered yet simultaneously manages to retain a sense of challenge and mystery--which, together, creates a steady, consistent feeling of gratification throughout the entire experience. Breath of the Wild is a defining moment for The Legend of Zelda series, and the most impressive game Nintendo has ever created.
GiantBomb 100%
Nintendo may have changed so many long-standing traditions of the Zelda franchise, but the spirit of discovery is as strong as it’s ever been no matter your age. I didn’t think I’d feel the Zelda magic this strongly ever again, but I couldn't be happier to be proven wrong.

Press Start 100%

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild will go down as one of the best launch titles of all time. Yes, technically it’s a Wii U game that was ported over to the Nintendo Switch, but Nintendo made the right decision in holding this game back. It perfectly compliments the Nintendo Switch and highlights why it has the potential to be such a great console. Many have doubted Nintendo’s ability to bring this series into the modern gaming age, but they’ve done that and taken it one step further in creating one of the best open-world action-adventure games ever made.
GamesRadar 100%
The series has always had something of a fairytale quality to it - its grand landscapes and worlds suggestive of so much more. The sight of dawn over a shimmering lake. The rolling plains of Hyrule Field stretched out beneath you. It speaks to our imaginations, calling us on to adventure. What a familiar feeling to look across Hyrule Field at Death Mountain, wondering what it would be like to climb it. What a profound thrill to make that journey in its entirety. It has taken 18 years, but Nintendo has done it again: this is the adventure game to beat.
Wccftech 98%
Minor technical problems aside, this is one of gaming's greatest and most storied series returning with something we've never seen before. Breaking all the conventions of the series, and even a few general gaming conventions, Breath of the Wild is essential for any self-respecting gamer. A new bar has been set in open world gaming.
GameCentral for Metro 100%
In Short: The best Zelda there’s ever been, and very possibly the best video game ever made.
USGamer 100%
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is an amazing game. As someone who loves open-world games, this is one of the best out there. As someone who enjoys the Zelda series, I honestly think I can say the same thing again. Nintendo has brought together a number of different ideas and mechanics, but integrated them into something that stands on its own. It's the kind of game where I don't want Nintendo to do something completely different for the next Zelda. I want more of this.
Polygon 100%
I guess, in the end, it’s not just that Breath of the Wild signals that Zelda has finally evolved and moved beyond the structure it’s leaned on for so long. It’s that the evolution in question has required Nintendo to finally treat its audience like intelligent people. That newfound respect has led to something big, and different, and exciting. But in an open world full of big changes, Breath of the Wild also almost always feels like a Zelda game — and establishes itself as the first current, vital-feeling Zelda in almost 20 years.
The Guardian 100%
But the shrine is a fast travel point, offering you the ability to divert from the trek and easily resume it at a later date. And now you’ve got a hundred rupees, you can entice a Great Fairy out of her hiding place. So you head over there, and chat to her, discovering that she’ll enhance your armour. But you need a few more Hightail Lizards to do so – and so you put the trip to Zora’s Domain on hold again, just for a few more minutes …

You look up, and it’s five hours later, and you don’t care.
Time 100%
Though in the end, most of what drives Breath of Wild to soar the highest this series ever has, comes down to quintessential Nintendo: daring to zig where others zag, crafting a sublime experience that's also a virtuoso commentary on the yin-yang of freedom and constraint. That an odyssey this beguiling and capacious happens to also be playable on planes, trains and, yes, the toilet, is almost beside the point.
God is a Geek 100%
I do not say this lightly: Breath of the Wild is an absolute masterpiece, and may well be the best The Legend of Zelda game ever made. Having grown up playing those first games as a child on a system I remember fondly, it feels extra special to be playing a new Zelda on a new console; that I can’t deny, and there are flaws (it’s not perfect), but otherwise, this is everything I wanted it to be and more. I won’t forget Breath of the Wild for a long time, because it’s a memorable, beautiful, stunner of a game.
GamingTrend 100%
I’ve mentioned Ocarina of Time a few times, and there’s a reason – it is the benchmark by which all other Zelda games are tested. Somehow, and beyond all of my expectations, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild exceeds that mark. I can confidently declare that Breath of the Wild is the best Zelda game ever made.
ShackNews 90%
Though there are some technical issues with Breath of the Wild, they pale in comparison to the sense of wonder and adventure the title projects. By setting The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild as a launch title for the Nintendo Switch, Nintendo debuted with a system seller. If you're getting a Nintendo Switch, there's simply no question of what the best bang for your buck will be in the system's early days. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a game that is meant to be loved and savored for years to come, and I'm sure it will be looked back on with as much fanfare and admiration as The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Nintendo's other hallmark titles.
Vooks 100%
Breath of the Wild isn’t just the best Zelda game ever crafted, it’s one of the best games of all time.

Hand over the crown, Ocarina of Time.

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Chief Spilli
wie schon im Switch thread gesagt wohl die richtige Entscheidung gewesen mit dem spiel auf den release der Switch zu warten!

Morgen isses bei mir soweit!


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Xbox Gamertag
War ja vorher schon klar. Es gibt von Nintendo Spielen seit Jahren keine ernstzunehmenden Reviews mehr weil die Reviewer irgendwelche Ü30 Typen sind die durch ihre NintendoNostalgie keine objektiven Berichte mehr bringen können.

Wenn ich mir die besten Spiele der letzten Jahre vom Metascore her ansehe dann ist keines so hoch, und das Zelda besser sein soll als ein Witcher 3, MGS V, Uncharted 4 oder GTA V ist halt sehr unglaubwürdig. Ob man den Stil mag, egal, alleine die lächerliche Draw Distance und die sehr wahrscheinlich nicht gerade hochintellektuelle Story garantieren das man Punkte abziehen muss. Aber das ist den Leuten mit ihren rosa roten Brillen egal.

Verdorbene Generation ...
Shoouss Lullaby

Shoouss Lullaby

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Bei Desinteresse oder Nichtgefallen eines Spiels, ohne es gespielt zu haben: Thread ignorieren und weiter gehen.


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Xbox Gamertag
Chief Spilli
War ja vorher schon klar. Es gibt von Nintendo Spielen seit Jahren keine ernstzunehmenden Reviews mehr weil die Reviewer irgendwelche Ü30 Typen sind die durch ihre NintendoNostalgie keine objektiven Berichte mehr bringen können.

Wenn ich mir die besten Spiele der letzten Jahre vom Metascore her ansehe dann ist keines so hoch, und das Zelda besser sein soll als ein Witcher 3, MGS V, Uncharted 4 oder GTA V ist halt sehr unglaubwürdig. Ob man den Stil mag, egal, alleine die lächerliche Draw Distance und die sehr wahrscheinlich nicht gerade hochintellektuelle Story garantieren das man Punkte abziehen muss. Aber das ist den Leuten mit ihren rosa roten Brillen egal.

Verdorbene Generation ...
Haters gonna Hate...

Grafik als Kriterium für die Wertigkeit eines Spieles zu setzen sag mir schon viel... genauso deine Behauptung "wahrscheinlich nicht gerade hochintellektuelle Story"

klar mag es sein das viele ne rosarote brille haben aber bei hatern ist es nicht anders die bitchen auch wenns nichts zu bitchen gibt...

nur so als tipp vergleich mal die tests der einzelnen seiten was die Switch und Zelda angeht... hier wirst dann merken das deine Aussage "keine ernst zu nehmenden Reviews... durch NintendoNostalgie" nicht ganz zusammen passt!
Predator X

Predator X

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*lach* Überall 100 %, ja, is' klar. :p :D

Zelda ist trotzdem ein gutes Spiel. :(y):


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Xbox Gamertag
Chief Spilli
Predator X

Predator X

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Wahrscheinlich haben die ganz anders bewertet und Bashi hat einfach überall 'ne 100 hingemacht. ^^
Shoouss Lullaby

Shoouss Lullaby

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Eiskalt aus dem GAF geklaut :D
Shoouss Lullaby

Shoouss Lullaby

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Ich auch 😂


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Xbox Gamertag
Hmm? Scheint das Beste Spiel aller Zeiten zu sein!

Gibts nur auf den Nintendo Konsolen, wa? Nichtmal auf dem Personal Computer? Ok, schade. Nicht :D


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Chief Spilli
scheint so als ob meine ganzen anderen spielekonsolen für ne recht lange zeit außer betrieb sein werden... hoffe die funktionieren noch wenn ich se mal wieder brauche XD


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Wurde bei den Tests nur die Switch Version bewertet? Was gibt es für Abstriche bei der Wii U Version?


Auf Beam gibt es schon Gameplay streams und naja man muss auf das Spiel halt stehen, aber Bewertungen von 100%? niemals. Die Tester machen sich echt unglaubwürdig. M!-Games tendieren zu 88-95%, was mMn realistischer ist.

Steinigt mich ruhig aber ist meine Meinung ohne das Spiel gespielt und nur etwas Gameplay gesehen zu haben

P.S. Zelda OoT fand ich damals auch nicht sooo gut wie alle es gehypt hatten. *duckundweg*


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Lol halo hat damals nur 97% bekommen


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Dein Teddybaer
Man, im Anfangsgebiet bin ich schon leicht überfordert bin den ganzen Möglichkeiten. Außerdem wird man relativ alleine gelassen.
Für weitere Antworten geschlossen.

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild [Test/Wertungen/Reviews]

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