Microsoft Flight Simulator [Xbox & PC]

Diskutiere Microsoft Flight Simulator [Xbox & PC] im Flight Simulator Forum Forum im Bereich Strategie und Simulation; Experience the Vast Regions of Oceania and the Magnificence of Antarctica in Microsoft Flight Simulator’s Latest World Update Explore some of...


Experience the Vast Regions of Oceania and the Magnificence of Antarctica in Microsoft Flight Simulator’s Latest World Update

Explore some of the most exotic regions on Earth in World Update XIII.
Microsoft Flight Simulator is thrilled to add to the beauty of the simulator with fascinating new landscapes. Known as both a continent and a geographic region, and straddling the Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western Hemispheres, Oceania is comprised of remote coral islands, long stretches of white sand beaches, towering volcanoes, vast interior sweeps of uninhabited rainforest, and populated cities boasting modern architectural wonders. Antarctica is a dream destination for aviators with adventure, intrigue, and boundless vistas of pristine coastal and inland glaciated terrain.
Flight Simulator - Antarctica World Update

Microsoft Flight Simulator’s World Update XIII includes Polynesia (Hawaii and Easter Island), Melanesia (Fiji, New Caledonia, New Guinea, Indonesia’s West Papua, and the Solomon Islands), the Galapagos Islands and key regions of Antarctica, notably the Antarctic Peninsula. The update provides a total of 13 countries and 28 non-sovereign territories, many with improved resolution that will allow pilots to experience stunning new vistas throughout these regions. The release is based on the latest aerial photographs, satellite imagery, and digital elevation modelling data. There is an updated height field for Hawaii and features the city of Honolulu with dozens of handmade buildings.
Flight Simulator - Antarctica World Update

Our partner team at Orbx has also created 150 points of interest (POIs) throughout the region, including:
  • Four series of Moai monoliths on Easter Island
  • The Autograph Tower – the tallest building in Indonesia and the Southern Hemisphere
  • A series of Antarctic research bases including McMurdo Station, Scott Base, and Davis Station
  • The Point Venus Lighthouse on Tahiti
Flight Simulator - Antarctica World Update


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Kommt da jetzt "schon wieder" nen KOMPLETT neuer Flight Simulator? Oder ist das der Flight Sim den es die ganze Zeit schon gibt und er wird nur immens ausgebaut? So wirklich verstanden hab ich das nicht 🤔


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@baum2k Nein, ist ein nur ein großes Update, das 2024 kommt.


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Microsoft Flight Simulator [Xbox & PC]

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