Forza 7: Test/Wertungen/Review Thread

Diskutiere Forza 7: Test/Wertungen/Review Thread im Forza Motorsport Forum Forum im Bereich Renn- und Sportspiele; WindowsCentral 100% SomosXbox 95% Attack of the Fanboy 90% MSpoweruser 100% Cheat Code...


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WindowsCentral 100%

This is still the most complete racing game on Xbox. It's got something for all abilities, enough content to keep you going for a long old time and it's so stunning to look at it massages your eyeballs every time you play.

SomosXbox 95%

Turn10 Studios brings us what is undoubtedly the king of simulation. A light simulation, or "simcade" as many nickname it, but certainly an intermediate point that achieves the greatest of virtues, balancing in the balance the requirement of the simulators and the immediacy of the arcades, leaving to the consumer the configuration which you prefer as far as simulation is concerned.
Attack of the Fanboy 90%
Turn 10 turned in their biggest game in terms of tracks, cars, and features with Forza 7, and it very well may be their best one yet.
MSpoweruser 100%
We could go on and on about Forza Motorsport 7 but the fact is that it’s the best racing game we’ve ever played. It draws you in and makes you heart beat faster because of the tense races. Hardcore racing fans can enjoy it by turning off all the assists and newcomers won’t feel like it’s an impossible task to win races. Racing games should be inviting and Forza Motorsport 7 definitely does that. This is definitely the gold standard out there and we can’t wait to see what Turn 10 Studios does in the future.

Cheat Code Central 92%

Forza Motorsport 7 still has features that didn't make the deadline. Forzathon events, multiplayer Leagues, and the Auction House and Marketplace are currently listed as “Coming Soon”. However, what is already packed in is plenty of meat to digest, and no feature feels tacked on or a novelty. With a long and flexible solo campaign, quick multiplayer setups (including couch co-op), fun challenges, and lots ways to tweak your ride, wardrobe, and income, Turn 10 Studios continues to perfect their skill with another entry in one of the best racing series in the industry.

GamingBolt 90%

Whether you're up for a couple of races or want to learn everything about Porsche, Forza Motorsport 7 will scratch that racing sim itch and then some. It's the definitive racing experience of the year and another new bar for the series to surpass
GameRadar 100%
Forza Motorsport 7 addresses every issue of its predecessor, turns the visual flair up to 11 and handles like a dream. An essential purchase.
Gaming Nexus 95%
After 25+ hours of gameplay, I can honestly say Forza 7 is outstanding. There is no sim that is easier to use (not Project Cars 2), has more vehicles (not Gran Tourismo’s 180), is more realistic (sorry Need For Speed), or better variety (not F1 – same car most of game), than Forza 7. There are better dirt track games, and NASCAR games, and car-sports games, but no racing sim has as much to offer as this one does. This is the best car sim of 2017… and potentially ever
TrueGaming 90%
Forza Motorsport 7 is the best in the series to date as it brings us fantastic visual fidelity and rich content. It is now up to turn 10 to conjure more ideas and great innovation for future iterations.
Vandal 90%
Turn 10 returns with an excellent racing game, visually stunning, and many and well-designed game modes. If you are a PC or Xbox One player, it's one of those titles you have to try.

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